About Us

Zugdidi / Samegrelo - Zemo Svaneti Magazine Visitors Counter ".

Title: "ghia boqlomi" (Open Lock)
Publisher (legal name):
Ltd. Publishing House Visitors Counter "
What comes out in the magazine: Georgian
Circulation: 5 000 - 6 000
Periodicity: Monthly
Establishment Date: November 15, 2006
Dissemination area (town / region): the entire territory of Abkhazia (the occupied territory)
Format / Pages: A4/32
Permanent rubrics: media + government, economy, our cities, a new problem, investigative journalism, culture, sports, society, mediadaijesti, medicine, Discussion, psychologist site.
Address: 2100, Zugdidi, Kostava Avenue, # 58.
Total number of employees / journalists: 30/12
Editorial Board Tel / Fax: (8215) 5, 06 00, (855) 17 65 33.
E - mail: boqlomi@yahoo.com
Correspondent bureaus (region / town): Poti, Senaki, Abasha, Khobi, Telavi, Dedoplistskaro, Kutaisi, Batumi, Tbilisi.
Officials: the chief editor of Ilia Chachibaia, executive editor of Kvikvinia Dachi, news editor of the section of the mea Lomaia.

Journal potential Readers population above 20 years.

"Visitors Counter" the highest in the region comes out copies. Is rated and selling (97%).

If you want ads in the magazine, please contact the above listed phone numbers, e-Mail to this address: boqlomi@yahoo.com

If requested, you will be sent to Price List.

Put the Open Lock "pages on the region's most effective advertising!



