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Advertising positions:
1 - 500 gel per month (busy until April 1).
2 - 150 gel per month (free).
3 - 300 gel per month (free).
4 - 200 gel per month (free).
1 - 500 gel per month (busy until April 1).
2 - 150 gel per month (free).
3 - 300 gel per month (free).
4 - 200 gel per month (free).

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Blogs can be placed in your post in the form of advertising products. This post shows the custom aipineba and time over the site (all the post above). Post a picture or video and description. See Fees days:
Day 1 - 25 GEL
Day 2 - 40 GEL
Day 3 - 60 GEL
Day 4 - 80 GEL
Day 5 - 100 GEL
Limited number of days up to 5 days. 5 days of your order in case of the term of this exit, 5 more days to be done in the same or other advertising.
At the same time, if you wish to be dalaprakeba any advertising idea.
(822) 47 19 96 (Tbilisi)
(8215) 5 06 00 (Zugdidi)
(855) 17 65 33