Representatives of mass media in Samegrelo Region consider that their right to freedom of expression is restricted and applied to the human rights non-governmental organizations several times. (photo:Ilia Chachibaia Editor-in-Chief of newspaper “Gia Boklomi” (Open Lock))
[Nana Sajaia, Zugdidi. 19:32 01.03.2007]
“I do not want to live and work in a country where journalists like Belurava, who are hired by some governmental officials, can dare to scare and threaten representatives of the independent media sources,” it is a short extract from the letter of Eliso Djanashia, editor of the Foti based local newspaper “Tavisufali Sitkva” (Free Word). The letter was sent to human rights organizations on February 8. Prior to the correspondence, Djanashia had met Lali Gelenava, the chief of the Press Service Office of the Regional Governor. The letter discussed the famous controversy between Gelenava and Ilia Chachibaia, a journalist for Zugdidi based newspaper “Ghia Boklomi” (open lock).
The story originated in December 2006 when seventeen-year-old journalist, Chachibaia applied to Gelenava to check some information. Chachibaia said that he did not intend to create any kind scandal at all. “We received some information that stated that one day, having arrived at his office in the morning, the regional governor notices a pile of feces on his table. I met Gelenava and he denied it. Having left Gelenava’s quarter, the chief of the Governor’s defense, Dima Markoidze, called me on the phone and asked me to meet him. Gelenava and Markoidze asked me not to publish the article in the newspaper. I answered that the information was only one-sided and was not confirmed by another side, so I was not going to publish it at all. After that they demanded that I named the source of the information that I categorically refused, what resulted into moral and physical assault,” said Chachibaia. The journalist added that Markoidze told him that if he named the source of the information, he would not have any problems. They were going to take matters into their own hands.
Several days later, Chachibaia was kidnapped by strangers and took him in an abandoned house in the village of Akhalsofeli. Chachibaia said that the kidnappers told him, “Afterwards you will learn how to behave.”
On the very next day, Chachibaia applied to the Public Defender’s Office. The Ombudsman’s Office sent all materials to the Georgian Prosecutor General’s office having questioned all participants of the incident. The criminal case was launched on preventing the journalist’s professional activities and illegal restriction of freedom.
Central and Local Media sources became interested in the controversy between the chief of the press service department and the journalist. Gelenava has not commented on the situation with any of the media sources. As for her interview with the newspaper Tavisufali Sitkva, Geleneva said that Djanashia had breached the journalistic ethics. “I told Djanashia that I was not going to give an interview about Chachibaia’s case. In the newspaper she published exerts from the private conversation that were not included in the interview,’ said Gelenava.
Djanashia said that Geleneva is a public person and her conversation can be considered to be official information.
Three months have passed since the controversy between Chachibaia and Gelenava. Journalists said that the public information is still blocked for them at regional the Administrative Board. “In private talks, Gelenava said that until she is in her position, any kind of information would be blocked for them. None of our editorial staff can enter the building of the Regional Administrative Board where organizations, like Cultural Department and Financial Police are located,” said Chachibaia. He added that Gelenava did not allow the journalists for the newspaper to attend the opening ceremony of public school and the nut factory. The Georgian president attended both ceremonies. Chachibaia said that all journalists but Ghia Boklomi were prevented from attending the ceremony.
Gelenava catogrically denied the information and said that Chachibaia had not applied to her to receive a permission of attendance.
The first issue of the Ghia Boklomi was published in November 2006. The newspaper can be closed because of a lack of information and finances and the third edition might not be punished. Chachibaia demands to dismiss Gelenava from her position. “If Gelenava keeps to her position, we will have to close the newspaper.”
Respondents provided the following answers to the question on how press service offices work in Samegrelo Region and what kind of difficulties they had while preparing the materials.
Tamuna Shonia, newspaper “Panorama”: I want to point out that in general, press service offices work poorly in the region. It can be easily said that they are not active at all. It is a very rare occasion when the press secretaries send us any kind of information. Actually we receive information from some other sources. One more problem is that they do not consider you to be a journalist if you do not work for a TV station. They pay the least amount of attention to journalists that work for newspapers.”
Geronti Khalichava, Radio “Atinati”: “One of the main problems is blocking the information nonetheless it is public or not. Very often we receive information too late and usually we have no need for such late information. Two informational formats of media sources work in the town: TV Company “Odishi” and Radio “Atinati”. Representatives of the press service offices think that the information should not be sent to the radio because the news will be broadcasted on TV. In short, the information is distributed according to the selection principle.”
Gelenava has a controversial opinion regarding the selection of the journalists. She said that she selects them according to their qualification. “When some particular event occurs where journalists must be represented, I get in touch with the journalists. As for the selection of the journalists, it is up to me-I have already said that I chose them according to their qualification,” said Lali Gelenava.