Zaza Gorozia, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Regional Governor, opened a suit before the local court against Ilia Chachibaiaa, a journalist and the Tbilisi based weekly newspaper “Tavisufali Gazeti”. Gorozia stated that Chachibaia, who is the respondent on the side of the newspaper, wrote false information that discredited the regional governor.
[20:31 24.04.2008]
Zaza Gorozia, demands that the nineteen-year-old Ilia Chachibaia be forced to pay financial damages in the amount of 10 thousand GEL for having“degrading his honor, dignity and reputation”. The regional governor demands the “Tavisufali Gazeti” retract the published information. Gorozia appealed to the court on March 24.
7-13 February 2008 edition of “Tavisufali Gazeti” published an interview with Ilia Chachibaia. The journalist, who is still being persecuted by regional government, said that in 2007 Zaza Gorozia offered him 10 thousand GEL in exchange for keeping silent.
“On April 20 I received a copy of fifteen-page suit of Zaza Gorozia from Zugdidi District Court. The copy of the suit is confirmed by the seal of the regional governor. Gorozia categorically denies the facts that were noted in the article and demands the journalist to pay 10 000 GEL as compensation for having discrediting him and his actions,” reported Ilia Chachibaia to
Chachibaia reported that he categorically refused to pay compensation to the governor and has mentioned it in the article too. The journalist recalled the incident of January 4 2008 in his interview with the “Tavisufali Gazeti” when a guard of the regional administration building beat him. At that moment, as Chachibaia claims, Gorozia watched as he was being beaten with a smile on the governor’s happy face.”
‘I intend to bring counter-suit to the court and I will not stop my activities a journalist as well. I will not allow Gorozia and court to illegally fine me,” said Ilia Chachibaia, the editor of Zugdidi based newspaper, “Gia Boklomi”, to “We have gathered some money and after a forcible delay of six months we issued the 8th edition of the newspaper two days ago,” explained Chachibaia.
“Tavisufali Gazeti” also intends to bring counter-petition to the court. “Article 42 of the Georgian Constitution protects press freedoms,” said Tamuna Lefsveradze, editor of the “Tavisufali Gazeti.”
The editor stated that when Ilia Chachibaia had problems with the local authority that it was a time when the local media was weak and was being suppressed. The editorial-board of the newspaper considered it necessary to interview the journalist.
“Much more scandalous articles were published about Gorozia in local printed media sources but obviously, the governor was particularly irritated by the fact that he was criticized in a central publication,” said Tamuna Lefsveradze.
Lalia Gelenava, spokesperson of Zaza Gorozia, stated that it is not in her competence to comment on the situation because Gorozia has appealed to the court as an ordinary citizen.
However, Gelenava added that Chachibaia will have to claim before the court “where and when Gorozia met him and how he offered money to stay quiet.”
“Just the opposite, Chachibaia had requested the regional governor to meet him to discuss some personal matters. However, the request has been refused,” explained the spokesperson.